c1920 Indian Board Track Racer Replica

Little is known about the full history on this very nice example of Yamaha’s 250cc production racer. What was passed down to us is, the gentleman that first purchased the motorcycle in 1979 was a man by the name of Jimmy Chen. Jimmy apparently sold the bike to John Matherson who raced it at Daytona in 1980 in the lightweight class and ended up with a very respectable 10th place for his first time out. Since then, the history of this vintage racer is lost to time but the motorcycle still remains! This highly desirable racer has undergone a full restoration and has been on static display in a private collection for some years. The front hydraulic brake master cylinder cap has self destructed so, with that said, a full service on the brake system, as well as the complete motorcycle, is in order prior to taking her back out on the track! Selling on a bill of sale only!


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