1931 Harley Davidson OHV Peashooter

In the late 1920’s Harley Davidson produced the factory built OHV single cylinder “Peashooter” to compete against the Indian and Excelsior solos with the hopes that the wins on Sunday would result in sales on Monday! This very nice example sports the 350cc/21ci twin exhaust port single cylinder engine with exposed valve train design. The “Peashooter” got its name from the sound the high-performance engines made as it raced by the spectators at the Motordromes. This 1931 Harley-Davidson SA Peashooter is equipped with a 21ci OHV single that features a Schebler carburetor, dual exhaust ports, a Bosch magneto and a manual timing advance. This example features the beautiful maroon with cream accents and sports a single-downtube frame and a brown Mesinger saddle. Color-coordinated steel 28″ rims are wrapped in white 2-1/4″ Firestone clincher tires. The bike is not equipped with brakes or suspension and has not been ridden since the refurbishment.  We have no record of who restored this beautiful example, so there is no past history available to tell what may be original and what may have been reproduced to complete the build. Selling on a Bill of Sale only!


1931 Harley Davidson Peashooter

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This video provides some history and an additional look at the Harley Davidson Peashooter. Enjoy.

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